Stalcup's Trico Variation (Trico Dun)
Here's the link to the video: Stalcup's Trico Variation (Trico Dun) Video
It's Trico time here in Colorado and around the United States. At the beginning of the hatch the fish will focus on the male and also female duns. The males have a black thorax, which is sometimes pretty bulky.
Watch the naturals when you start seeing them at the beginning of the hatch and if you see one get eaten or you just see a rise, but one of my Stalcup's Trico Variations on, get a good drift, and enjoy the results.
If the CDC gets wet and the fly sinks mid-drift, let it go. Often times fish will eat sunken Tricos. As the hatch progresses, you can still fish this, but if your dun keeps getting ignored, throw on a spinner.
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