Memories of Montana

Sorry for the long delay. School and soccer started up in August and the past two months have gone by in a flash! It happens every year and yet I am always surprised when I have to write 10/1 on my whiteboard at school. Crazy. So, Montana. I loved Montana and specifically, the city of Missoula. I visited a friend that I used to work with and he was nice enough to let me crash for several nights at his new house by the college. I had never driven through Wyoming so my first time was an experience. Seeing the Speed Limit signs say "80" was fantastic and I enjoyed the scenery and the views. I ended up crashing in Sheridan and I found some delicious food at Wyoming's Rib and Chop House. I had the juiciest pork chop of my life. If you ever end up in Sheridan go there. As soon as I arrived in Missoula after a beautiful drive through Montana my buddy put me straight to work moving some heavy items around because they were redoing ...