
Showing posts from May, 2019

Runoff Approaches...

Get ready for water!  We've had some weird weather of late in Colorado with sunny, warm days followed by rain and snow.  Don't let that fool you though, very soon the water will be "coming down the mountain" and flows will be very high for an extended period of time. The fishing has been good on the freestones and the tailwaters here in CO.  The flow on the Deckers portion of the South Platte was way up above 400cfs, but has now been dropped back down to 220cfs or so.  That's a nice flow and all areas are accessible at the current level. I have read reports of people catching fish on bigger bugs such as scuds, stones, and annelids.  A friend of mine caught a BIG rainbow on a little black RS II today so don't forget the midges because they are always present in the South Platte system. I have been able to get out a few times, but with school winding down I was busy preparing my kiddos for their AP World exam and wrapping up all of the end-of-the-year fun....
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Michael Agostinho
I love nature and I vehemently enjoy fly fishing and fly tying. Check out my YouTube channel via the link at the top of the website and check out all of the links below. Tight lines!