Spring Has Sprung!

Finally, spring has arrived! I have been all over Colorado fishing since my last post and I am happy to report that the fish are biting. There has been some early season runoff as the low level snows are melting away to Spring. The midge hatches have been strong and the olives are coming off as well. As the weeks progress the Caddis hatch will also intensify so don't forget to fish some larvae and pupae especially if you see some Caddis adults on the water. The freestones are clear in the mornings, but on the warm days the water has gotten cloudier before it clears again overnight. My friend Tim and I had some banner days on the Eagle River fishing all sorts of nymphs and some dry flies as well. Stoneflies have been working great down deep and some attractors also got us into some nice fish. Prince nymphs, PT's, Caddis larvae, and midge patterns got us into plenty of browns and some rainbows on the lower Eagle near Gypsum over Spring Break bac...