Spring is Coming

We have had a legit winter in Colorado. This is my 4th winter here and it is has been by far the coldest. The low temps have kept me inside over the past month, which has led to some good old fashioned home cookin' and a great deal of fly tying. When the weather is nice I have less motivation to tie because I just want to be outdoors. Spring break (I heart teaching) is in a week and I can't wait to get outside and fish, fish, fish! Preparing for Spring fishing is exciting because the focus shifts from midges to caddisflies, stone flies, and thankfully after a long winter, mayflies. I have tied an assortment of different patterns the past two months in preparation for springtime fishing. If you're new to tying or you're a seasoned vet, the following flies and their recipes are what I have been working on. Scuds are small crustaceans that are prevalent in many freestone rivers and tailwaters. I recently read that people tend to hook more f...