Don't Forget the Fraser
Grand County is just that and the river flowing through it isn't too shabby either. "Don't Forget the Fraser." I read an article entitled exactly that when I moved to Colorado and I didn't listen. If you have fished the Fraser then you know what this post is going to entail. If you haven't, give it a shot. It's a wonderful freestone and it holds some killer, hard fighting fish. I fished the Fraser in May two years ago and did really well. I'm not sure why I didn't go back... The Fraser rises and falls with the summer rains and fishing it off color is wise. If it's low and clear (like it is right now) different tactics are necessary, but like many freestones in Colorado, the bugs at times match each river. Caddis. Don't forget about Caddis on and beneath the surface during the summertime. I underestimate Caddisflies. I need to stop doing that. I was lucky to fish with two kiddos from school and we had an absolute...