
Showing posts from April, 2018

Some Dry Fly Fishing Tips and Reflections on my First Three Years in Colorado

After my previous post I have been thinking more about my dry fly fishing successes and failures since I moved to Colorado.  I'm approaching my 3rd full year out here (July 1st is the anniversary of my arrival) and so I decided to post a few "older" fish, where I caught them, how I caught them, and then finally some tips for us all to remember when dry fly fishing.  Enjoy. Below was the first fish I caught in Colorado on a dry fly.  This Deckers rainbow ate a hopper behind a huge rock and I literally jumped when he crushed my fly.  Thanks amigo. I caught this fish on a bwo dry in a back eddy up in El Dorado Canyon.  Its beauty surprised me and I have gone on to catch more beautiful rainbows in creeks and rivers throughout the state. I continued to explore in 2015 and a guide in Idaho Springs pointed me in the direction of cutthroat trout on upper Clear Creek.  There is a lot of water to explore up there and I recommend to check it out.  ...

Technical Dry Fly Fishing

Deckers, CO can be a tough place to fish.  Our lack of snowfall this year has left Cheesman Lake lower than normal and so the flows at Deckers have been about half of where they should be.  Now that being said, the BWO's haven't minded one bit.  Like clockwork they have been hatching under cloudy skies and in the bright sunshine.  Unfortunately, the latter has kept the fish extremely skiddish. I have fished several spots at Deckers the past two Saturdays and the dry fly fishing has been difficult to say the least.  I have seen plenty of fish in extremely shallow water doing the old "grab and go."  It's almost like their stealing something...I prefer that when it's my fly!   As is so often the case, the most consistent rising fish have also been the most likely to eat an imitation, but last Saturday I really struggled.  It looked like they were eating my fly and then I would set the hook, only to catch air.  I think I was a little...

Spring Break Trip: The Final Chapter

On the third day we hit up the Fryingpan River.  Some of my friends know that I have a deep affinity for "The Pan." (FLASHBACK) When I moved to Colorado in the Summer of 2015 I drove up to the quaint town of Basalt to chase after the famous rainbows and browns that call the Fryingpan home.  On that fateful day I pulled off at the first available stop, but found faster water.  I tried to nymph with no luck and then put on a streamer.  My first solid strike (the tug is the drug) resulted in a miss, but I knew there were fish. After a 3 1/2 hour drive I was excited.  I walked upstream only to bump into a sign stating that I had approached private water.  I had looked at a map before my trek and determined that the river had plenty of public water that was interrupted by private stretches.  I headed upstream to another pull off with decent looking water.  It was the PMD (Pale Morning Dun) time of year so I put one on and hooked up.  Guess wha...

Spring Break Trip: Part 3

Our second evening on the Eagle was special.  We had done "alright" during the day, but after Day 1 our expectations were high and we were not disappointed once the late afternoon hours arrived on Day 2.  We headed to another spot and I had my thoughts on rising fish.  I had nymphed more than normal on Day 1 and the first half of Day 2 so I wanted some fish to scarf down a well presented dry fly. The second spot we hit was a beautiful freestone piece of river.  There was a stretch of fast water and then a nice long deep run that opened up into a slow pool.  It reminded me of a section of the Genesee River back home in New York.  As I glanced downstream I saw dimples on the water from 200 yards away and I won't say that I hit jogging pace, but I briskly walked my way down to these fish ignoring the beautiful run that my compatriots were about to destroy.  There weren't many bugs on the water, but there were a few fish rising every so often.  I ha...
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Michael Agostinho
I love nature and I vehemently enjoy fly fishing and fly tying. Check out my YouTube channel via the link at the top of the website and check out all of the links below. Tight lines!