Spring Break Trip: Part 2
After dinner my friend Tim and I taught our compatriots the in's and out's of the great game of Euchre. I hadn't played in far too long and winning felt quite satisfying. After I gloated a bit, (don't worry, we lost the next two nights. #karma) we called it a night and drifted off to dreaming of abundant midge and mayfly hatches...or at least I did. It was cloudy and cool on the morning of Day 2 and although breakfast was fulfilling, I was hoping to fill my net with some trout as quickly as humanly possible. I shared an Evil Olive pattern with the 4th member of our crew, Chris. I told him to give it a shot in the faster water as I had done the day before and I once again headed upstream. Since it was too early for surface action, I wanted to nymph the water that was covered in midges and mayflies only 18 hours earlier. The water there was slower than down below so I was not surprised to have less takes on the flashy olive pattern and more takes on my bo...